Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First Semester Final Project

I like this photograph because the pattern of lines behind Brittany make her stand out. The few lines on her sleeve are slightly enhanced. There's little things in the photo that I like to look at in this picture that make it a nice picture to me overall. I fixed the temperature to be warmer and lessened the saturation to match the temperature when I took it- cloudy winds, but hot.

I like this photo because Chris looks super cool. I edited the photo's temperature to make it as cool as him. It reminds me of someone skipping class, hanging out in a movie. Again with the pattern behind him clash with his pants, but somehow, instead of becoming less appealing to look at, I personally like them together.

I like this picture because I felt like the lighting hit her face wonderfully. I took the photo as she turned around and it became very natural, which explains why I did not edit the photo that much. I think she is extremely photogenic.

I like this photo because Mayra looks extremely ravishing. She looks like she is taking in the sun hitting her  face. She is focused on, due to editing, and it was just a memorable picture, because she thought I hadn't took the picture yet.

I like this photo because Dante is bright. I edited it so that his face is partially bright and shadowed. His pocket is an eye-catcher. I thought of a bully, with him in the shadows, dark and mysterious, which obviously to me is not who he is, I liked how this picture represented him. 

Find my two favorite photos HERE!

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